
(noun. /AS-troh-site/) 

by Honoreé Brewton

What does it mean? 

An astrocyte is a type of glia (glia support the brain and the nervous system) that performs many tasks. It supports neuron function, regulates neurotransmitters like GABA and glutamate, and helps to form neuron synapses, among other things.

How do I use it in a sentence?

When neurons experience injury or toxicity, astrocytes can provide support and repair them.

The left image shows a normal, star-shaped astrocyte. The right image shows a reactive astrocyte with more branching structures called processes extending from the cell body. Astrocytes can become reactive in response to diseases or disruption to cellular function. Image made by author using Biorender.


“Astrocyte” comes from the Ancient Greek words “ástron” and “kútos” or ”kytos.”
“astron” = star
“kútos” or “kytos” = cell

Related terms


Fields of study in which this word is commonly used
