Red Blood Cells 

(noun. /red BLUD sell/) 

by Emma Bouck

What does it mean? 

Red blood cells (also called erythrocytes) are responsible for absorbing oxygen in the air you breathe into your lungs and transporting it around the body. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which binds oxygen molecules using iron ions. Red blood cells are the most populous cells in the whole body, and if they do not function correctly, a person can develop anemia (oxygen deficiency).

How do I use it in a sentence?

Red blood cells carry oxygen to your organs and tissues to keep your whole body functioning and healthy.”

Red blood cells are shaped as biconcave disks. Their primary content is hemoglobin, which contains iron and gives these cells and the blood their red hue. Image source 

Related terms

White blood cells

Fields of study in which this word is commonly used
