(adjective. /soo-per-NAY-tant/) by Anna Goddard What does it mean? The often clear liquid that lies above the solid after centrifugation, […]
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Amino Acid
(noun/uh-mean-OH-ah-sid) by Chelsea Smith What does it mean? Amino acids are naturally occurring compounds that are the building blocks for […]
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(noun. /kuh-werk/) by Mikayla Feldbauer What does it mean? Everything in the universe is made of atoms. Atoms are made […]
Continue readingClathrin
(noun. /Klaa-TH-RiN/) by Autumn Coleman What does it mean? Clathrin is a protein that assists cells in endocytosis, a process […]
Continue readingGenetically Modified Organism
(noun. /jeh-NET-icklee mAWd-if-eyed ORGan-ism/) by Mikayla Feldbauer What does it mean? A genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism whose […]
Continue readingConfluency
(noun. /con-FLU-en-see/) by Chelsea Smith What does it mean? Confluency is a term used to describe how much available space […]
Continue readingPathogenesis
(noun. /path-o-JEN-ih-sis) by Yasemin Cole What does it mean? Pathogenesis is the cause and development of a disease in an […]
Continue readingRheology
(noun. /ree-AW-luh-gee/) by Siena Mantooth What does it mean? Rheology is the study of the flow of fluids and solids. […]
Continue readingBile
(noun. /BY-ull/) by Madison Williams What does it mean? Bile is a greenish-brown fluid that is produced in the liver […]
Continue readingNeuromuscular Junction
(noun. /nur-oh-MUH-skyoo-lur JUNK-shun) by Garima Singh What does it mean? The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is the connection between the end […]
Continue readingGermination
(noun. /jer-min-AY-shun/) by Nicole Gadda What does it mean? Germination is the process of seeds or spores developing into actively […]
Continue readingRed Blood Cells
(noun. /red BLUD sell/) by Emma Bouck What does it mean? Red blood cells (also called erythrocytes) are responsible for […]
Continue readingApoptosis
(noun. /ay-pop-TOE-sis/) by Yasemin Cole What does it mean? Apoptosis is a coordinated process in which cells die. Many sources […]
Continue readingIn vivo
(adjective. /in VEE-voh/) by Madison Williams What does it mean? “In vivo” is a term used to describe a process […]
Continue readingCalorie
(noun. /KAL-or-ee/) by Mariah Jones What does it mean? A calorie is a unit of energy. One calorie is the […]
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(noun. /dee-en-AY/) by Brandon Le What does it mean? Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that stores the instructions for […]
Continue readingBioluminescence
(noun. /bio-loomin-ESS-ents/) By Mikayla Feldbauer What does it mean? Bioluminescence describes the ability of a living organism to make and […]
Continue readingVirulence
(noun. /VEER-you-lense/) by Nicole Gadda What does it mean? Virulence is the severity of the damage a microorganism (like bacteria, […]
Continue readingMetabolomics
(noun. /me-ta-buh-LO-miks/) by Yasemin Cole What does it mean? The study of all the global small molecules (also called metabolites) […]
Continue readingThyroid gland
(noun. /THIGH-royd gland/) by Madison Williams What does it mean? The thyroid gland is a large, butterfly-shaped gland in the […]
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